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agarwood oil

aquilaria agallocha oil

Material Info

CAS 94350-09-1
JECFA Food Flavoring N/A
CoE Number N/A
Organoleptic Notes
  • 1. Odor Type: woody sweet agarwood woody balsamic sandalwood leathery fruity smoky animal tobacco
  • Odor Description:at 100.00 %. sweet agarwood woody balsam sandalwood leathery fruity smoky animal tobacco
  • Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found).
Odor woody
sweet, agarwood, woody, balsamic, sandalwood, leathery, fruity, smoky, animal, tobacco,
Flavor N/A
Material Notes This oil is water distilled from fungus infected wood of the tree Aquilaria Agallocha, growing in northeastern India.

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