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allantoic acid

Material Info

CAS 99-16-1
EINECS 202-735-4
JECFA Food Flavoring N/A
CoE Number N/A
Organoleptic Notes
  • Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found).
Odor N/A
Flavor N/A
Material Notes Isol. from coffee beans and leaves

-- formerly called allantoic acid and amniotic acid.; Allantoic acid is the END product of Allantoicase [EC:], an enzyme involved in uric acid degradation (Purine metabolism). Although it is commonly accepted that allantoicase is lost in mammals, it has been identified in mice and humans. (PMID 11852104); A crystalline, transparent, colorless substance found in the allantoic liquid of the fetal calf

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