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Material Info

CAS 10482-56-1
EINECS 233-986-8
JECFA Food Flavoring N/A
CoE Number N/A
Organoleptic Notes
  • 1. Odor Type: terpenic lilac floral terpenic
  • Odor Description:at 100.00 %. lilac floral terpenic
  • Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found).
Odor terpenic
lilac, floral, terpenic,
Flavor N/A
Material Notes Terpineol is a naturally occurring monoterpene alcohol that has been isolated from a variety of sources such as cajuput oil, pine oil, and petitgrain oil. There are three isomers, alpha-, beta-, and gamma-terpineol, the last two differing only by the location of the double bond. Terpineol is usually a mixture of these isomers with alpha-terpineol as the major constituent. (Wikipedia)

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