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amyl propionate

pentyl propanoate

Material Info

CAS 624-54-4
EINECS 210-852-7
JECFA Food Flavoring N/A
CoE Number 416
Organoleptic Notes
  • 1. Odor Type: fruity sweet fruity apricot pineapple tropical banana
  • Odor Description:at 100.00 %. sweet fruity apricot pineapple tropical bananaLuebke, William tgsc, (1983)
  • Odor sample from: Elan Inc.
Odor fruity
sweet, fruity, apricot, pineapple, tropical, banana,
Flavor fruity
fruity, jammy, banana, licorice, tropical, apricot, estery, rummy,
Material Notes Flavouring ingredient

Pentyl propanoate is an organic compound which is the ester formed by the condensation of pentanol and propanoic acid. It is also known as apricot essence.

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